We have helped Addenbrooke’s Hospital to achieve some fantastic results across a range of fundraising channels and methods over the years, but one of the most memorable and extraordinary is the door drop pack we created for them during the Covid-19 pandemic.
This was a time when the NHS, and everyone working within it, was working harder than ever to save people’s lives, and there was an exceptional sense of gratitude and love around the UK for the work it was doing. We felt this was a unique opportunity to give people the chance to show their gratitude and leverage this sense of commitment to build the hospital’s supporter base. We therefore developed two door drop packs (cash and regular giving asks) to recruit new supporters, which focussed on the wonderful job the NHS was doing during the crisis and gave people the chance to do their bit to support it by donating to their local hospital.
The results to the initial test in both packs were astounding, recruiting many new supporters at a significant profit – something almost unheard of in supporter recruitment. We urged Addenbrooke’s to roll out the packs as much as possible in order to make the most of this unique opportunity, and the results were amazing again. The remarkable fact is that the hospital continues to use this pack several years later, as we have adapted it to post-Covid times, and it continues to perform. A tribute to good creative, bravery from the client in investing in rollout, and a wonderful institution and staff beloved by so many of us.