
Campfires and cake!

Delicious cakes, meetings held in the countryside, consultancy sessions in the pub – oh, and some of the most useful and practical fundraising training you can get your hands on. We’re delighted to offer our new brochure of training, coaching and services to help individuals and organisations (large and small) improve their effectiveness.   As you’ll … Continued

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Change is hard

Change can be difficult to achieve. Change on a global scale can be very difficult to achieve – perhaps even impossible. And, despite what we may want to think as campaigners, we may not be in control of all the levers that need to be pulled to achieve the change we want – in fact, … Continued

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Preparing for a channel neutral world

We’ve recently developed a number of services for our clients that allow us to work with them in a much more strategic and channel-neutral way. Usually this takes the form of a workshop or seminar focussing on how digital can be integrated into their communication mix and working practise. A good example of this was a one day digital … Continued

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Reflections on the Convention

It’s been a few years since I last attended the IOF Convention so I wasn’t sure what to expect when I attended the full 3 days of the event last week.  I’d grown a bit tired of the previous events where it seemed there was a lot of hot air in the sessions but ultimately … Continued

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Effective branding with limited resources

The ChangeStar rebranding project We’ve recently completed an agency rebranding and repositioning process at ChangeStar and we thought it would be a good idea to share this experience to show how small organisations with limited resources can successfully complete such a project. We decided to embark on a rebranding exercise after a period of research showed … Continued

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